9 research outputs found

    Impact of power electronics converters for supply of high-power receivers on the mining power networks. Part II

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    W artykule om贸wiono sposoby opisu zawarto艣ci wy偶szych harmonicznych w odkszta艂conych przebiegach napi臋膰 i pr膮d贸w. Scharakteryzowano skutki wyst臋powania wy偶szych harmonicznych w kablowych sieciach zasilaj膮cych odbiory g贸rnicze. Przedstawiono wnioski wynikaj膮ce z analizy pracy tych uk艂ad贸w w obecno艣ci wy偶szych harmonicznych.The paper shows the methods how to describe a content of higher harmonics in deformed voltage and current waves. The effects of occurrence of higher harmonics in cable mining power networks supplying the mining receivers have been characterized. The conclusions relating to the analysis of operation of the mining receivers in presence of the higher harmonics have been presented

    Impact of power electronics converters for supply of high-power receivers on the mining power networks. Part I

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    W cz臋艣ci pierwszej artyku艂u scharakteryzowano nieliniowe odbiory w postaci energoelektronicznych przekszta艂tnik贸w mocy stosowane w g贸rniczych uk艂adach nap臋dowych. Przedstawiono charakterystyk臋 odkszta艂conych przebieg贸w napi臋膰 i pr膮d贸w wraz z ich analiz膮 widmow膮.In the first part of the paper there have been characterized the power electronics converters, as non-linear receivers, designed for use in the mining drive systems. The characteristics of deformed courses of voltages and currents including their spectral analyses have been presented in the paper

    Novel azo-peresters radical initiators used for the synthesis of acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives

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